
Hire Top 3% of MERN Stack Developers

Hire pre-screened, top-tier MERN Stack developers within 48 hours to build dynamic, reliable, and secure web apps. Take our 7-day free trial before onboarding.

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Hire Skilled MERN Stack Developers in 2 Days!

Our streamlined hiring process and rigorous pre-screening ensure you get experienced MERN Stack developers within 48 hours. Whether it's for ERP, CMS, or eCommerce development, our skilled MERN Stack experts excel in tools such as ItemAPI, KeystoneJS, NextJS, and Redux. Don’t wait–Elevate your development team and advance your project with the best.

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Hire the Best MERN Stack Developers

Our world-class MERN Stack developers are well-versed in the latest tech stacks and can scale your software and web development projects to the next level.


Quick Onboarding Within 48 Hours

Our streamlined hiring process ensures you can onboard highly skilled MERN Stack developers in just two days. This swift hiring capability allows you to maintain project momentum and meet tight deadlines.


Top 3% of MERN Stack Developers

We take pride in offering only the best. Our developers are among the top 3% of MERN Stack talent, ensuring your project benefits from exceptional expertise and innovative solutions. 


Pre-Vetted Talent

Every MERN Stack developer in our pool undergoes a rigorous screening process to meet our high standards. We help you find and hire pre-vetted MERN Stack developers without any hassle.


7-Day Risk-Free Trial

With VLink, you can hire MERN Stack developers confidently, thanks to our 7-day free trial. During this period, you can evaluate the developer’s skills, work ethics and check if they are a good fit for your project needs.  


Low Churn Rate

At VLink, we take pride in maintaining a low churn rate and ensuring continuity and stability for your projects. Hire our skilled MERN Stack developers for a seamless workflow, reliable performance, and long-term commitment.


See What Our Customers, Consultants & Partners Are Saying

Milena Erwin
Milena Erwin

Executive Director of the CT. Technology Council

No Wonder VLink’s named as a best place to work.

It was great to meet Sharad and the VLink team - all so welcoming and nice. No wonder VLink was named one of the best places to work!


Hire MERN Stack Developers With Expertise In Services

  • Web Service Development
    MERN Stack Web Development

    Hire our MERN Stack developers, who have deep knowledge of building secure and faster web apps and websites using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js.

  • API Development
    MERN Stack API Development and Integration

    Our dedicated MERN Stack developers specialize in API development and integration. They ensure smooth integration with mobile, web and cloud apps.

  • Mobile App Development
    MERN Stack Enterprise App Development

    Hire MERN stack developers from us for high-performance enterprise-grade application development solutions with Agile SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle).

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    MERN Stack Migration & Porting

    With our dedicated MERN Stack engineers, you can migrate and port your existing enterprise apps flawlessly into MERN Stack without interrupting your data security and ongoing operations.

  • CMS Development
    MERN Stack CMS Development

    Build custom, flexible CMS solutions with our experienced MERN Stack developers to manage your content more efficiently. They will also help you integrate your existing CMS into your web apps and eCommerce store.

  • SPA Development
    MERN Stack SPA Development

    Hire our MERN stack developers for full-stack development of SPAs (Single-Page Applications) with real-time updates and seamless user experiences. 

  • Support Maintenance
    MERN Stack App Maintenance & Support

    If your existing application requires any modification, hire our MERN Stack developers for seamless maintenance & support services to ensure everything works smoothly.

Hiring ProcessHire MERN Stack Developers In 48 Hours with These 4 Simple Steps


Tell Us Requirements


Select the Hiring Model


Conduct the Interviews


Start Onboarding


Our MERN Stack Developers Expertise

  • frameworkFramework
    Next.jsExpress.jsNest.jsMeteor.jsSocket.ioKoa.jsAdonis jsFeathersItemAPIKeystoneJSEKrakenLoopBack
  • libraryLibrary
    ExpressJSNestJSFastifyFluxMobXCouchbaseSailsJSNode cronPM2PassportNodemailerLodashWinstonReduxAxios/ FetchReact-routerReact HooksRedux-sagaMaterialUIReactStrapValidation Library
  • Tools 1Tools
    WSGICelerySOAPRedisHighcharts JSSouthJSONGITNPMGulpMochaREST
  • DatabaseDatabase
  • Object Relational MappingObject Relational Mapping
  • serverServer
    AWSDigital OceanHerokuFirebase
  • Web TechnologiesWeb Technologies
    PHPCodeIgniterLaravelMERNMEANLAMPYIIWordPressMagentoWOOShopifyPrestaShopZendCodeigniterSymfonyMaterial DesignCakePHPBootstrapCSS3
Transform Your Digital Presence with Our MERN Stack Developers

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The cost to hire MERN Stack developers varies based on experience and project requirements. Generally, rates range from $30 to $150 per hour, with project-based pricing also available.

    Typically, it takes approximately 48 hours (in Just 2 days) to hire MERN developers from VLink, ensuring a rapid process to meet urgent project needs without unnecessary delays.

    Yes, you can hire MERN stack developers from VLink who will work according to your time zone. VLink ensures that their developers are available to work in the client's local time zone, providing seamless communication and collaboration.

    Hiring MERN Stack developers from VLink ensures access to top-tier talent vetted for proficiency in MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. With quick onboarding, a risk-free trial, and a focus on local time zones, VLink guarantees high-quality development tailored to meet project needs efficiently and effectively. 

    Interested Fields


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