
Hire Top 3% of Angular Developers

Hire pre-screened, elite Angular developers within 48 hours for your full-time or contract basis projects. Experience our 7-day risk-free trial to onboard the right fit with confidence.

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Hire Angular Developers for Stability, Flexibility, and Quality

VLink helps you find and hire Angular developers who bring stability, flexibility, and high level quality to your projects. Our programmers are part of the elite top 3%, meticulously pre-screened to ensure exceptional skills and reliability. With our faster hiring and a 7-day risk-free trial, you can seamlessly integrate expert Angular developers into your team.  

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Hire the Best Angular Developers

When you hire Angular developers at VLink, your team will be augmented with top-tier experts who will take your Angular development projects to the next level.


Quick Onboarding in 48 Hours

Time is of the essence. As we understand the urgency of your projects, we guarantee quick onboarding of Angular programmers in just 2 Days with our seamless hiring process. Hire our Angular developers to start your projects without any delays. 


7-Day Risk-Free Trial

We believe in the quality of our developers, and we want you to feel confident in your decision. Enjoy a 7-day risk-free trial to assess our programmers' skills, work ethic, and compatibility with your team. Hire our Angular developers with confidence. 


Top 3% of Pre-Screened Talent

Our rigorous screening process ensures that you only get the best for your project. We help you find and hire Angular developers from the top 3% of talent, guaranteeing expertise, experience, and dedication.


Low Churn Rate

Consistency and reliability are essential for successful project completion. Our Angular programmers have the lowest churn rate in the industry. It means you get a dedicated team member who stays with your project from start to finish.


Developers in Local Time Zone

Effective communication is crucial for project success. Our programmers work in your local time zone, ensuring real-time collaboration and seamless integration with your existing team. Hire our Angular developers and say goodbye to time zone challenges. 


Our service models include

Managed Services

Managed Services

Our managed services provide expert team of quality assurance testers dedicated to streamlining the process of software testing.

Project-Based Delivery

Project-Based Delivery

Our project-based services are uniquely tailored to each client to help them make choices in their way, according to their own goals.

Resource Augmentation

Resource Augmentation

Establish an agile and flexible workforce to deliver projects on time by leveraging our high-quality staff augmentation services.

Strategic Consulting

Strategic Consulting

Consult with an experienced partner can help you navigate the complexities of software testing and QA.


See What Our Customers, Consultants & Partners Are Saying

Milena Erwin
Milena Erwin

Executive Director of the CT. Technology Council

No Wonder VLink’s named as a best place to work.

It was great to meet Sharad and the VLink team - all so welcoming and nice. No wonder VLink was named one of the best places to work!


Services Our Angular Developers Have Expertise In

  • Custom Angular Development
    Custom Angular Development

    Turn your idea into a successful product using the power of Angular. Hire our skilled Angular programmers for end-to-end managed custom Angular development services that meet your needs. 

  • API Development
    Angular API Development & Integration

    Whether you want to integrate API or build a new one from scratch, hire our top-tier Angular developers. They will offer seamless API integration and development. 

  • Front-end Application
    Front-end Application Development

    Get highly engaging front-end apps with our experts, who are well-versed in Angular's core features. Hire our Angular developers for robust, scalable Front-end solutions.

  • Migration
    Angular Updated Version Migration

    With our highly skilled Angular programmers, you can migrate and upgrade your existing Angular versions to up-to-date versions smoothly.  

  • Support & Maintenance
    Angular Support & Maintenance

    Our vetted Angular programmers provide end-to-end support and maintenance for all Angular solutions, allowing you to reap the full benefits of this robust framework. 

  • Mobile App Development
    Angular Web and Mobile App Development

    At VLink, we have dedicated AngularJs developers available for hire to build highly scalable, fully featured and user-centric web and mobile applications. 

  • AJAX Development
    AJAX Development

    Get fast, interactive, and user-friendly web applications with dedicated AJAX development services from our expert AngularJs developers.

  • Consultation
    Angular Consulting

    Leverage our experts’ deep knowledge to strategize, consult, and optimize your Angular projects for maximum efficiency and success. Hire our Angular developers for for their expertise and advanced skills. 

Hiring ProcessHire Angular Developers In 48 Hours with These 4 Simple Steps

Here’s a simple process to hire Angular programmers within 2 days


Tell Us Requirements


Select the Hiring Model


Conduct the Interviews


Start Onboarding


TechnologiesOur Angular Developers Expertise in the Latest Tech Stack

  • libraryLibraries
    TypescriptNGRxPrimeNGElectronAngular MaterialNGX BootstrapAnt DesignAG Grid
  • frameworkFramework
    AngularJsAngular2+NGRX (Angular + Redux)
  • APIs and MicroservicesAPIs
    Facebook APIInstagram APIYouTube APISpotify APIApple Music APIGoogle APIJira REST APIGitHub APISoundCloud API
  • BackendBackend
    ServerlessLaravelSymfonyNode.NetGoRuby on RailsJava
  • platformPlatforms
    Amazon Web ServicesMicrosoft AzureCloudflareDockerKubernetesDigital OceanVultr
  • combine technologyCombination Technologies
    Angular + JavaAngular + GolangAngular + C#Angular + PHPAngular + PythonAngular + DjangoAngular + AWSAngular + Docker
Connect with Great Talent Now!
  • Hire our top 3% of remote Angular developers quickly for your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can hire an Angular developer on both hourly and project-based terms, depending on your specific needs and the scope of your project. 

The cost to hire Angular developers varies widely based on experience, location, and project scope. Typically, rates range from $25 to $150 per hour or more for specialized expertise and seniority. 

Typically, it takes approximately 48 hours to hire Angular developers from VLink, ensuring a rapid process to meet urgent project needs without unnecessary delays.

You can hire top Angular developers from reputable IT staffing agencies like VLink with a proven track record in Angular development. 

Of course, we are an ideal partner for transitioning your mid-way project. Whether your previous development partner discontinued your app development due to unforeseen circumstances or you're dissatisfied with the progress, our experienced Angular developers can step in seamlessly.  

We will adopt a mutually beneficial Agile approach to meet your needs consistently. Rest assured, we are committed to providing complete support and dedication to your project development for as long as you require our services. 

Hire AngularJS Developers from VLink to work according to your time zone (EST/PST/CST/MST), deadline, and milestone. 

Interested Fields


A Complete Guide to Hire Angular Developers

The employment of web developers is expected to grow by 16% from 2022 to 2032, far outpace the average occupation growth rate of 3%. Angular (including Angular 2) is an open-source JavaScript/TypeScript framework widely used to develop that's single-page web applications (SPAs) and mobile apps. Consistently ranking in the top five most-used web frameworks, Angular development skills are in high demand. 

Many web developers begin their careers today by learning front-end frameworks such as Angular. This means that some Angular engineer candidates may have less experience than others. Consequently, finding and hiring top Angular developers can be challenging. Selecting the right Angular engineer for your company is essential to ensure success. 

In this hiring guide, you will learn essential aspects of hiring Angular developers, from the latest version of Angular to technologies, skills, job descriptions, and interview questions.  

What's New in Angular? 

The latest update in Angular is the release of the Angular 18 version. It's the most recent version of Angular and introduces numerous features to elevate performance, scalability, and user experiences to the next level. Here are a few critical updates and features of Angular 18: 

TypeScript 4.7 Support 

The latest Angular v18 offers support for TypeScript 4.7 by launching new key-features and enhancements.  

Default Coalescing 

In Angular 18, the scheduler can now be utilized for applications without Zone.js and those using Zone.js by enabling coalescing. Coalescing in zones is enabled by default to reduce the frequency of change detection cycles and enhance application performance.  

Hydration Support in CDK and Material 

One key feature of the new Angular 18 is the hydration compatibility for CDK components and Angular Materials. All Angular Materials and CDK components with primitives are completely hydration compatible, ensuring frequent and uninterrupted rendering behavior. 

Route Redirects with Functions 

Angular 18 enables functions to handle redirects by utterly replacing the static strings in the redirection of the Route object. Its main purpose is to increase the flexibility level in routing. This function can parse an object with URL parameters and return a string or the UrlTree. 

Optimized AOT Compilation 

The new Angular v18 optimizes the AOT compilation. It ensures fast processing for large-scale applications and intelligent integration with third-party APIs, lessening just-in-time compilation requirements. 

Improved Performance with Ivy 

The latest Angular 18 update uses Ivy compiler optimization to improve performance. These streamlines start time and improves Angular JS performance while reducing bundle sizes. 

Enhanced Reactivity Model 

Angular 18 simplifies data flow and state management with its new reactivity model. It mitigates the boilerplate code while optimizing the change detection and improving performance. It makes it convenient to manage complex state interactions.  

Improvement to Server-Side Rendering 

The server-side rendering enhancements in Angular 18 include better pre-rendering, accelerated server-side hydration, and excellent support for Angular Universal. The improvement lessens the Time to Interactive (TTI) user experience, specifically when there's slower network connectivity. 

What Sets Our Angular Developers Apart from Others? 

Our Angular developers stand out from others due to our rigorous selection process that ensures only the top 3% of pre-screened talent is onboarded. We offer a quick onboarding process within 48 hours and provide a 7-day risk-free trial, reflecting our confidence in the quality of our developers.  

Our quality Angular developers are well-versed in different tools and technologies: 

  • Strong Proficiency in Angular Framework: Hire developers from VLink with a deep understanding of the Angular frameworks, including their core features, modules, and services.  
  • Expertise in TypeScript: Angular is built with TypeScript, so proficiency in this language is crucial. Our quality Angular developers are comfortable using TypeScript for type safety and robust code structuring. 
  • Expertise in AngularJS: We have seasoned Angular developers with extensive knowledge of AngularJS. Whether you're building from scratch, maintaining existing projects, or upgrading to the latest Angular versions, hire our AngularJS developers for quality solutions.  
  • Experience with Angular CLI: Hire our Angular developers who are familiar with the Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) for efficient project setup, development, and maintenance. 
  • Knowledge of Component-Based Architecture: Our experienced Angular developers excel in building applications using component-based architecture, ensuring modularity, reusability, and code maintainability. 
  • Understanding of RxJS and Observables: If you want to integrate complex asynchronous operations or handle asynchronous data streams using observables, hire angular developers familiar with RxJS and Observables.  
  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Our Angular programmers firmly grasp web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JS. Hire Angular developers to build responsive and dynamic Angular applications. 
  • Experience with RESTful APIs and Services: Build and consume RESTful APIs efficiently with our experts. Hire our quality Angular developers skilled in integrating backend services with Angular applications. 

Apart from using Angular and its foundational languages and libraries, our experts also know of additional technologies like: 

  • Source control technologies manage codebase changes and preserve previous working versions of code. Our Angular developers are familiar with standard tools such as Git. 
  • Our Angular engineers have expertise in working with NPM (Node Package Manager).  
  • Command-line interface (CLI) tools provide functionality for Angular app development.  

Modern Angular engineers must have technical expertise in many skills, and this is especially true in front—end and Angular development.  

Our Angular developers are also proficient in the following areas: 

  • UI/UX: Our front–end engineers are crucially focused on Implementing new features and interactive functionalities. This process involves close collaboration with designers and project managers to ensure a seamless user experience. 
  • APIs and Connectivity: To ensure an app is fully operational, our front-end engineers use APIs to facilitate connectivity across application services. APIs provide persistence and centralization to the app's functionalities. 
  • Unit Testing: Our developers implement unit tests to verify that each section of code performs as expected. Unit testing reduces costs, prevents bugs, and helps retain users once an app is in production. Our Angular developers commonly use Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, and Siesta. 
  • End-to-end Testing: End-to-end (e2e) testing is crucial to ensure that applications behave as intended. Our front-end engineers use e2e tests to confirm the correct data flow is maintained during user tasks and processes. Angular developers often utilize tools like Cypress, Nightwatch, and WebdriverIO for e2e testing. 

Top AngularJS Frameworks Our Developers Excel In 

Our AngularJS developers have extensive expertise in the following top frameworks, ensuring robust and scalable web app development:

Top AngularJS Frameworks Our Developers Excel In

How Can You Find the Ideal Angular App Developer For Your Project? 

You need to define your project requirements to find the ideal Angular developer for your project. You also need to consider what stage of development your app is in and how much training your budget and resources allow. 

After evaluating your project requirements, resources, and budget, it's essential to assess your experience and expertise according to your experience level.  

Angular Developers Experience Level Breakdown 

  • Junior Angular Developers: These professionals typically have up to 2 years of experience and are good for smaller projects or tasks under supervision. 
  • Mid-Level Angular Developers: Have 2-5 years of experience. They can handle more complex tasks independently and contribute to architecture decisions. 
  • Senior Angular Developers: With 5+ years of experience. They are proficient in handling large-scale projects, providing architectural guidance, and mentoring junior developers. 

Skills to Look for When Hire Angular Developers 

Here are a few skills you need to look for when hiring Angular developers: 

  • Experience with Angular CLI, Angular Material, RxJS, and NgRx (for state management). 
  • Familiarity with Git and platforms like GitHub or GitLab. 
  • Ability to create responsive and mobile-friendly interfaces using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Material Design. 
  • Experience integrating with RESTful APIs and handling asynchronous data. 
  • Knowledge of front-end security considerations and implementing best practices. 
  • Skills in optimizing Angular applications for speed and performance. 
  • Proficiency in unit testing frameworks (Jasmine, Karma) and end-to-end testing (Protractor). 
  • Knowledge of CI/CD pipelines and tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitLab CI. 
  • Demonstrate strong problem-solving skills to troubleshoot issues 
  • Have strong, practical, and clear communication skills 
  • Expertise in time management, teamwork, and collaboration 

Focusing on these technical and soft skills can help you effectively find and hire an Angular developer who fits your project needs and contributes to its success. 

Angular Vs. React 

If you are confused about whether you need a dedicated Angular developer or an engineer with experience in a library like React, here are the main differences between React and Angular: 

The main difference between these two front-end technologies is React vs. Angular. React is a library, while Angular is a full-fledged framework. React offers more flexibility than Angular.  

The decision to hire an Angular developer or a React developer depends on your project needs. Many React skills offer a solid foundation for Angular concepts, and a strong React developer may be a suitable candidate for specific projects. React developers may understand basic Angular concepts.  

How to Write an Angular Developer Job Description for Your Project 

Writing a job description for hiring an Angular developer involves highlighting specific skills, experience, and qualifications relevant to your project. 

Job Title: Angular Developer 

Location: [Remote/Office Location] 


  • Develop user interfaces for modern web applications using Angular 
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features 
  • Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability 
  • Write high-quality, clean, maintainable code using best software development practices 
  • Stay up to date with Angular framework and ecosystem trends and best practices 


  • Proven experience as an Angular Developer or similar role 
  • Proficient in TypeScript and JavaScript 
  • Familiarity with HTML/CSS, RESTful APIs, and Git version control 
  • Experience with state management libraries (e.g., NgRx, RxJS) 
  • Understanding of Agile methodologies 
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills 
  • Bachelor's degree in computer science, Engineering, or a related field (preferred) 

Nice to Have: 

  • Experience with Angular Material or other UI component libraries 
  • Knowledge of testing frameworks (e.g., Jasmine, Karma) 
  • Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure) 

Top Interview Questions to Ask When to Hire Angular Developers 

When hiring Angular developers, consider asking questions that assess both technical proficiency and problem-solving abilities specific to Angular. Here are some top interview questions to help you find Angular developers: 

  • What are the key features of Angular? 
  • Differentiate between AngularJS and Angular (versions 2+). 
  • How do you create and use components in Angular? 
  • Explain the different types of data binding in Angular. 
  • What is the difference between one-way and two-way data binding? 
  • What is dependency injection in Angular, and why is it important? 
  • How do you inject dependencies in Angular components and services? 
  • Explain how you would handle HTTP requests in Angular. 
  • Have you used NgRx or RxJS for state management in Angular? If so, explain how. 
  • What testing frameworks or tools have you used with Angular (e.g., Jasmine, Karma)? 
  • What tools or techniques do you use to diagnose performance issues in Angular? 
  • How do you collaborate with team members using Git in an Angular project? 
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